
    Administrator – General And Official Trustee

    Brief About The Office Of The Administrator General And Official Trustee, Maharashtra State, Mumbai

    Administrator General And Official Trustee Title Description

    When the Office of the Administrator General and Official Trustee, Maharashtra State was established and according to which Acts, the Office functions?

    The Office of the Official Trustee, Maharashtra State (then Bombay) was established in the year 1841 and the Office of the Administrator General, Maharashtra State (then Bombay) was established in the year 1843. The Office of the Administrator General and Official Trustee, Maharashtra State, Mumbai functions according to the provisions of the Administrators General Act, 1963 and Official Trustees Act, 1913. Apart from this, with effect from 01/02/1977, the Administrator General and Official Trustee, Maharashtra State functions as the Treasurer of Charitable Endowments, Maharashtra State, Mumbai and Official Trustee, Maharashtra State, Mumbai as an Agent of the Treasurer of Charitable Endowments for India according to the provisions of the Treasurer of Charitable Endowments Act, 1890, the Central Act.



    The Duties and responsibilities of the post of the Administrator General and Official Trustee, Maharashtra State, Mumbai.

    The Administrator General and Official Trustee, Maharashtra State as the Administrator General, State of Maharashtra administers the estate of the deceased person according to the provisions of the Administrators General Act, 1963. Under the provisions of Section 29 of the said Act, the Administrator General, State of Maharashtra also issues Administrator General’s Certificate in respect of estate left behind by the deceased person upto the value of Rupees Ten lakhs. As the Official Trustee, State of Maharashtra, he administers the Trust vested on him according to the provisions of the Official Trustees Act, 1913. Moreover, according to the provisions of the Treasurer of Charitable Endowments Act, 1890, he administers the endowments vested by the State Government as the Treasurer of Charitable Endowments, Maharashtra State and endowments vested by Central Government as the Official Trustee, Maharashtra State, Mumbai as an Agent of the Treasurer of Charitable Endowments for India. It is the only post for the entire State of Maharashtra. The Administrator General and Official Trustee, Maharashtra State also functions as the Head of the Office.


    The nature of work in detail of the Office of the Administrator General and Official Trustee, Maharashtra State, Mumbai.

    Under the provisions of Section 29 of the Administrators General Act, 1963; the application for grant of Administrator General’s Certificate can be filed with the Administrator General, State of Maharashtra in respect of estate of the deceased person upto the value of Rupees Ten lakhs. It is the only post for the entire State of Maharashtra for grant of Administrator General’s Certificate (except the amount to the credit of the deceased under General Provident Fund Act, 1925). Any of the residents of Maharashtra can file such Petition for grant of Certificate. This facility is made available by the Act for the convenience of the public so that anybody can obtain the Certificate with low expenses and even file the Petition in-person. For administration of estate of the deceased person upto the value of Rupees Ten lakhs, anybody can file application with the Administrator General directly and if it is beyond Rupees Ten lakhs, for administration of such estate by the Administrator General, one has to obtain orders from the Hon’ble High Court at Bombay. The estate consists of moveable assets such bank balance, shares, fixed deposits etc. and immoveable properties as well. The person dies leaving behind estate in any form, the distribution of which sometimes creates quarrels. Even the siblings quarrels amongst them for the estate left behind by their parents and also causes misappropriation of the estate. Sometimes, the property of the deceased person is being misappropriated, encroached. In such cases, the intervention by the Administrator General under the provisions of the abovesaid Act is necessary for protection of rights and interest of the heirs / children of the deceased person. Any person (interested or otherwise) can file application for administration of estate. Accounts of each estate are being maintained separately, which are examined and audited by the Government Auditor. For formation of the Trust of the moveable and immoveable properties under the provisions of the Official Trustees Act, 1913, anybody can file application with the Office of the Official Trustee . The Official Trustee, State of Maharashtra administers the trusts vested on him by the Deed of Trust or by the orders of the Hon’ble High Court and protects the trust property so vested. The formation process of the Trust can be made easy.The Official Trustee maintains accounts of each trust separately, which are examined and audited by the Government Auditor. Income on the funds of such Trust being paid to the beneficiaries.

    According to the provisions of the Treasurer of Charitable Endowments Act, 1890, several endowments of charitable purposes such as the help to the poor, education, medical aid and of general public utility are being vested by the Government (Central and State) and income on such endowments is being paid to the administrator by this Office to carry out the said purposes. Any member of any community can apply to the concerned Government Department for creating such endowment (e.g. for educational purpose with Education Department, for medical purposes with Health Department of the Government).


    Details of Office Address, Telephone No., e-mail etc. be given.

    Office Address :

    Office of the Administrator General and Official Trustee, Maharashtra State, Mumbai Treasurer of Charitable Endowments, Maharashtra State,
    Mumbai and Official Trustee, Maharashtra State, Mumbai As an Agent of the Treasurer of Charitable Endowments for India.
    2nd floor, Old Secretariate (Annexe),
    Near Elphinstone College,
    Mahatma Gandhi Road, Mumbai 400 032
    Telephone No. : 22841818 / 22814554
    Fax : 22841818
    e-mail : agotms[at]gmail[dot]com


    The details of posts in different cadres created for the establishment of the Office of the Administrator General and Official Trustee, Maharashtra State, Mumbai.

    There are 30 posts of different cadres on the establishment of the Office of the Administrator General and Official Trustee, Maharashtra State, Mumbai comprising of -01- post of the Administrator General and Official Trustee, Maharashtra State, Mumbai, the Treasurer of Charitable Endowments, Maharashtra State, Mumbai and the Official Trustee, Maharashtra State, Mumbai as an Agent of the Treasurer of Charitable Endowments for India, -01- post of Assistant Director, -01- post of the Superintendent, -01- post of Assistant Accounts Officer, -01- post of Stenographer, Lower Grade (English),- 01- post of Deputy Accountant, -07- posts of Assistant, -10- posts of Clerk-Cum-Typist, -01- post of Driver, 01 post of Daphtary, -01- post of Naik, -04- posts of Peon.


    Whether there is a Website of the Office of the Administrator General and Official Trustee, Maharashtra State?

    Presently, there is no Website of the Office of the Administrator General and Official Trustee, Maharashtra State, Mumbai. However, the information about this Office is available on the Website of Law and Judiciary Department, Government of Maharashtra under the Right to Information Act, 2005. Moreover, the formation of Website for the Office is under consideration.

    • Telephone : 22841818
    • Address : 2nd floor, Old Secretariate (Annexe), Near Elphinstone College, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Mumbai 400 032