
    Sheriff Of Mumbai

    Information of the office of Sheriff of Mumbai

    The office of the Sheriff of Mumbai has been established under Letters Patent Act, 1823. The work of the office of Sheriff of Mumbai is being done as per the Letters Patent Act, 1823, Hon’ble High Court, Bombay (Original Side) Rules and Hon’ble City Civil Court Rules.

    Duties and Responsibilities of the post of Sheriff of Mumbai

    On the recommendation of the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Maharashtra, His Excellency the Governor of Maharashtra appoints the Hon’ble Sheriff of Mumbai. The tenure of the post of Hon’ble Sheriff of Mumbai is of one year (20th December to 19th December). The post of the Sheriff of Mumbai is honorary since 1897. As Sheriff is active in social works, as and when there is a request form the Government, the Sheriff of Mumbai receives and see off the V.I.P. persons at Mumbai Airport. On receipt of the requisition from the citizens of all walks of life in Mumbai, the Sheriff organizes Condolence Meeting for the sad demise of the renowned citizen of Mumbai. On receipt of the request from the Hon’ble Chief Magistrate, Mumbai, Sheriff visits the various prisons in Mumbai city. Sheriff helps to maintain law and order in Mumbai City.

    Sheriff of Mumbai
    Sr. No. Sheriff of Mumbai Work Duration
    1. Shri Vijay Merchant 1970
    2. Shri Kantikumar Podar 1974
    3. Shri Dilip Kumar 1980
    4. Dr. B.K. Goyal 1981
    5. Shri Sunil Dutt 1982
    6. Shri S.P. Godrej 1983
    7. Shri Nana Chudasama 1989, 1990
    8. Shri Homi Sethna 1991
    9. Smt. Bakul Patel 1992
    10. Shri F.T. Khorakiwala 1993
    11. Shri I.M. Kadri 1994
    12.  Shri S.M. Gavaskar 1995
    13. Sou. Usha Kiran 1997
    14. Shri Kiran Shantaram 2002, 2003
    15. Dr. Vijaypath Singhania 2006
    16. Dr. Indu Shahanii 2008, 2009

    Duties and Responsibilities of the post of Deputy Sheriff of Mumbai

    Pursuant to the Letters Patent Act, the Sheriff of Mumbai appoints the Deputy Sheriff of Mumbai (Class-I Gazetted Officer). The Sheriff of Mumbai gives Power of Attorney to the Deputy Sheriff to perform official and judicial functions and in exchange of that the Deputy Sheriff gives Indemnity Bond in favour of the Sheriff of Mumbai. The Deputy Sheriff executes the orders of the Hon’ble Courts through bailiffs and submits the reports of the same to the concerned Courts. Meetings of concerned parties in person / Advocates are being conducted before the Deputy Sheriff as per the orders of the Hon’ble Courts for settling the terms and conditions of auction sale of the movable and immovable properties. As per the order of the Hon’ble Court, he conducts the auction of the movable and immovable properties and submit the report with regard to the same to the Hon’ble Court. Deputy Sheriff is the Drawing and Disbursing Officer. In Admiralty Suit matters, as per the order of the Hon’ble High Court, the Deputy Sheriff executes the Warrant of Arrest and Order of Release upon the vessels through bailiffs at different ports in India and submits the report of the same to the Hon’ble Court. As per the order of the Hon’ble High Court, Bombay in Admiralty suit matters, conducts the public auction sale of the vessels at different ports in India and submits the report to the Hon’ble Court. Submits yearly, eight monthly budgets to the Government.

    Nature of work of the office of Sheriff of Mumbai

    The office of Sheriff of Mumbai is executing and implementing the orders, summons, notices issued by the Hon’ble High Court, Mumbai, City Civil Court, Mumbai, Cooperative Courts, M.A.C.T., etc. through bailiffs. At the time of executing the decree lodged by the decree holder, this office attaches the movable and immovable property and conducts auction sale in order to recover the decretal amount. This office receives the fees on the processes issued by the Hon’ble High Court and recovers 1% poundage on the recovery of the decretal amount. The jurisdiction of the office of Sheriff of Mumbai is from Colaba to Mulund, Colaba to Mankhurd, Colaba to Dahisar. But, the bailiffs of this office has to go out of Mumbai and even out of state to execute the processes issued by the Hon’ble Court.

    Besides, this office implements the arrest order and release order issued by the Hon’ble High Court in admiralty suit matters upon the vessels or cargo on board the vessels and if there is a Sale Order, then this office conducts public auction sale of the vessels or cargo on board the vessels. This office implements the orders issued by the Hon’ble High Court and recovers 1% poundage on the total amount recovered and deposits it in the treasury of the Government.

    • Telephone : 22843693
    • Email : dysheriff[at]gmail[dot]com
    • Address : Office of the Sheriff of Mumbai, Old Secretariat Building (City Civil Court Building), Ground Floor, Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Marg, Next to University of Mumbai,