
    Contact Us

    This website is designed & developed by National Informatics Center and maintained by Law and Juduciary Department.

    In case you have any query regarding this website, you may write to the Web Information Manager at psec[dot]rla[at]maharashtra[dot]gov[dot]in

    Any feedback, related to content, design, or technology may be submitted at Feedback section.

    You can also contact us at the following address:

    Name: Shri. Neeraj Pradip Dhote

    Phone: 22027272

    Designation: Principal Secretary and Remembrancer of Legal Affairs /Secretary and Senior Legal Advisor (A/C)

    Department: Law and Juduciary Department

    Address: Mantralaya Mumbai

    Email: psec[dot]rla[at]maharashtra[dot]gov[dot]in